Part 1: Basics of Using Ansible Core to Request a Let’s Encrypt Certificate


  • Ansible Core installed on your control node.

  • Ansible Vault enabled.

  • Cloudflare account with API token and DNS Zone ID for the zone your using to create the Certificate.

    Run In Postman

  • Basic knowledge of Ansible and YAML syntax.

For this tutorial I will be using Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. This can be installed on a standalone VM/server, run on windows via WSL or on a docker container.

Gitlab Repository
The Repository for this project is Here


1. Setting Up Ansible Vault

Ansible Vault allows you to encrypt sensitive data such as API keys. Follow these steps to set up Ansible Vault for storing your Cloudflare API key and DNS Zone ID.

1.1 Create the Vault File

Create a vaultvars.yml file to store your sensitive information:

ansible-vault create vaultvars.yml

You’ll be prompted to enter a password for encrypting the file. Use a strong password and remember it, as you’ll need it to edit or use the file.

1.2 Add Sensitive Variables

Copy add the following variables to the vaultvars.yml file:

# vaultvars.yml
API_key: your_cloudflare_api_key
zone_id: your_cloudflare_dns_zone_id

Replace your_cloudflare_api_key and your_cloudflare_dns_zone_id with your actual Cloudflare API key and DNS Zone ID.

1.3 save and Exit

The file will be opened in vi. to save and exit press esc. then type :wq! [enter]

The contents are now encrypted and will be used securely in your playbook.

2. Writing the Ansible Playbook

Create an Ansible playbook (request_cert.yml) that uses the encrypted variables and handles the Let’s Encrypt certificate request.

you can use your favorite editor I like to use nano

nano request_cert.yml

2.1 Define the Playbook

Paste the following code in to the newly Created file request_cert.yml:

2.2 Explanation

Here’s a detailed breakdown of each task in the Ansible playbook:

Playbook Structure

- name: Create Letsencrypt cert
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - name: fqdn
      prompt: Enter domain name for the new Certificate
      private: false
    - vaultvars.yml
    files_loc: ~/cert-store
    le_private_key: "{{ files_loc }}/le-account.key"
    csr_private_key: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.key"
    dns_zone: "{{ fqdn.split('.')[1] }}.{{ fqdn.split('.')[2] }}"

This is the basic Structure of the playbook

Key Parameters:

  • vars_prompt: Prompts the user to enter the FQDN for the new certificate.
  • vars_files: Specifies the vault file containing the encrypted variables.
  • vars: Defines default variables, such as file locations and email.
    • files_loc: The location where the certs will be stored
    • le_private_key: The location where the key will be stored
    • csr_private_key: The location where the CSR private key will be stored.
    • email: Email associated with the Let’s Encrypt account
    • dns_zone: The FQDN without the subdomain. []
  • tasks: Executes various tasks, including directory creation, private key generation, CSR creation, ACME account setup, DNS challenge handling, and certificate retrieval.

Lets Breakdown Each Task

1. Create Directory for Certificate Files

- name: Create directory for certs directory
    path: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}"
    state: directory

Creates a directory at the specified path to store the certificate and key files for the domain.

Key Parameters:

  • path: The location of the directory to be created.
  • state: Ensures the directory exists (directory state).

Ensures that a directory is available to store the generated certificate and keys for the domain.

2. Generate Let’s Encrypt Account Private Key

- name: Generate Letsencrypt private key
    path: "{{ le_private_key }}"
    state: present

Generates the private key for the Let’s Encrypt account if it does not already exist.

Key Parameters:

  • path: The location where the key will be stored.
  • state: Ensures the key exists (present state).

This private key is used to register and manage the Let’s Encrypt account.

3. Generate CSR Private Key

- name: Generate CSR private key
    path: "{{ csr_private_key }}"
    state: present

Generates a private key for the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) if it does not already exist.

Key Parameters:

  • path: The location where the CSR private key will be stored.
  • state: Ensures the key exists (present state).

This key is used to create the CSR for the specific domain.

4. Ensure Let’s Encrypt Account Exists and Agrees to TOS

- name: Make sure account exists and has given contacts. We agree to TOS.
    validate_certs: false
    account_key_src: "{{ le_private_key }}"
    state: present
    terms_agreed: yes
    acme_version: 2
      - "mailto:nomail@{{ dns_zone }}"

Registers the Let’s Encrypt account or ensures it exists, and agrees to the terms of service.

Key Parameters:

  • account_key_src: Path to the Let’s Encrypt account key.
  • state: Ensures the account is registered (present state).
  • terms_agreed: Automatically agrees to the Let’s Encrypt terms of service.
  • acme_directory: URL of the Let’s Encrypt ACME directory.
  • contact: Contact email for the Let’s Encrypt account.

This task sets up the Let’s Encrypt account and ensures that the user agrees to the terms and service required for certificate issuance.

5. Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request

- name: Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request
    path: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.csr"
    privatekey_path: "{{ csr_private_key }}"
    common_name: "{{ fqdn }}"

Generates a CSR using the previously created CSR private key.

Key Parameters:

  • path: Path to save the generated CSR.
  • privatekey_path: Path to the CSR private key.
  • common_name: The domain name for which the certificate is requested.

The CSR is required by Let’s Encrypt to issue a certificate for the specified domain.

6. Create a Challenge Using an Account Key File

- name: Create a challenge using an account key file.
    validate_certs: false
    account_key_src: "{{ le_private_key }}"
    account_email: "{{ email }}"
    src: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.csr"
    cert: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.crt"
    challenge: dns-01
    remaining_days: 60
  register: com_challenge

Initiates the ACME process to create a DNS-01 challenge for Let’s Encrypt validation.

Key Parameters:

  • account_key_src: Path to the Let’s Encrypt account key.
  • account_email: Email associated with the Let’s Encrypt account.
  • src: Path to the CSR.
  • cert: Path to save the generated certificate.
  • challenge: Specifies the DNS-01 challenge type.
  • acme_directory: URL of the Let’s Encrypt ACME directory.
  • remaining_days: Number of days before expiration to consider renewal.

This task initiates the process of obtaining a certificate by generating a DNS challenge.

Output Registered As: com_challenge

7. Create a TXT Record on Cloudflare

- name: Create a TXT record on Cloudflare when the record file exists
    url: "{{ zone_id }}/dns_records"
    method: POST
    body_format: json
      X-Auth-Email: "{{ email }}"
      Authorization: "Bearer {{ API_key }}"
      Content-Type: "application/json"
      type: "TXT"
      name: "{{ com_challenge.challenge_data[fqdn]['dns-01'].record }}"
      content: "{{ com_challenge.challenge_data[fqdn]['dns-01'].resource_value }}"
      ttl: 1
    status_code: 200
  when: com_challenge.challenge_data[fqdn]['dns-01'].record is defined
  register: record

Creates a TXT DNS record in Cloudflare for the DNS-01 challenge validation.

Key Parameters:

  • url: API endpoint to create DNS records in Cloudflare.
  • method: HTTP method (POST).
  • headers: Authentication headers including the API key.
  • body: Payload containing the DNS record details.
  • status_code: Expected HTTP status code on success.

This task sets the DNS-01 challenge record in Cloudflare to validate domain ownership.

Condition: Only runs if com_challenge.challenge_data[fqdn]['dns-01'].record is defined.

Output Registered As: record

8. Extract and Store the Record ID

- name: Extract and store the record ID from the creation response
    txt_record_id: "{{ }}"
  when: record is defined and record.json.success

Extracts and stores the ID of the created TXT record from Cloudflare’s response.

Key Parameters:

  • txt_record_id: Variable to store the extracted record ID.

Stores the record ID for later use, particularly for removing the TXT record after validation.

Condition: Only runs if record is defined and the API call was successful.

9. Wait for TXT Entry to Appear

- name: Wait for TXT entry to appear
      - name: "{{ com_challenge.challenge_data[fqdn]['dns-01'].record }}"
        values: "{{ com_challenge.challenge_data[fqdn]['dns-01'].resource_value }}"
        mode: equals
    always_ask_default_resolver: false
    timeout: 120

Waits for the TXT record to propagate and be accessible via DNS queries.

Key Parameters:

  • records: List of expected DNS records to appear.
  • timeout: Maximum time to wait for the records.

Ensures that the TXT record is properly propagated before proceeding with certificate validation.

10. Retrieve the Certificate After Validation

- name: Let the challenge be validated and retrieve the cert and intermediate certificate
    validate_certs: false
    account_key_src: "{{ le_private_key }}"
    account_email: "{{ email }}"
    src: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.csr"
    cert: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.crt"
    fullchain: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}-fullchain.crt"
    chain: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}-intermediate.crt"
    challenge: dns-01
    remaining_days: 60
    data: "{{ com_challenge }}"
    acme_version: 2
  when: com_challenge is changed
  register: lsresult
  until: "lsresult is not failed"

  retries: 12
  delay: 10

Validates the DNS-01 challenge and retrieves the certificate from Let’s Encrypt.

Key Parameters:

  • data: Challenge data to be validated.
  • fullchain: Path to save the full certificate chain.
  • chain: Path to save the intermediate certificate.
  • until, retries, delay: Controls for retry logic.

Finalizes the challenge and obtains the certificate, including the full chain and intermediate certificates.

Condition: Only runs if com_challenge has changed.

Output Registered As: lsresult

11. Remove TXT Record from Cloudflare

- name: Remove TXT record from Cloudflare after domain is verified
    url: "{{ zone_id }}/dns_records/{{ txt_record_id }}"
    method: DELETE
      X-Auth-Email: "{{ email }}"
      Authorization: "Bearer {{ API_key }}"
      Content-Type: "application/json"
    status_code: 200
  when: txt_record_id is defined and txt_record_id | length > 0

Deletes the TXT DNS record from Cloudflare after the domain has been successfully validated.

Key Parameters:

  • url: API endpoint to delete the DNS record in Cloudflare.
  • method: HTTP method (DELETE).
  • headers: Authentication headers including the API key.

Removes the temporary DNS record used for the DNS-01 challenge to clean up.

Condition: Only runs if txt_record_id is defined and has a valid length.

The completed Playbook should look like this:

- name: Create Letsencrypt cert
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    - name: fqdn
      prompt: Enter domain name for the new Certificate
      private: false

    - vaultvars.yml
    files_loc: ~/cert-store
    le_private_key: "{{ files_loc }}/le-account.key"
    csr_private_key: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.key"
    dns_zone: "{{ fqdn.split('.')[1] }}.{{ fqdn.split('.')[2] }}"


    - name: Create directory for certs directory
        path: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}"
        state: directory

    - name: Generate Letsencrypt private key
        path: "{{ le_private_key }}"
        state: present

    - name: Generate CSR private key
        path: "{{ csr_private_key }}"
        state: present

    - name: Make sure account exists and has given contacts. We agree to TOS.
        validate_certs: false
        account_key_src: "{{ le_private_key }}"
        state: present
        terms_agreed: yes
        acme_version: 2
          - "mailto:nomail@{{ dns_zone }}"

    - name: Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request
        path: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.csr"
        privatekey_path: "{{ csr_private_key }}"
        common_name: "{{ fqdn }}"

    - name: Create a challenge using an account key file.
        validate_certs: false
        account_key_src: "{{ le_private_key }}"
        account_email: "{{ email }}"
        src: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.csr"
        cert: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.crt"
        challenge: dns-01
        remaining_days: 60
      register: com_challenge

    - name: Create a TXT record on Cloudflare when the record file exists
        url: "{{ zone_id }}/dns_records"
        method: POST
        body_format: json
          X-Auth-Email: "{{ email }}"
          Authorization: "Bearer {{ API_key }}"
          Content-Type: "application/json"
          type: "TXT"
          name: "{{ com_challenge.challenge_data[fqdn]['dns-01'].record }}"
          content: "{{ com_challenge.challenge_data[fqdn]['dns-01'].resource_value }}"
          ttl: 1
        status_code: 200
      when: com_challenge.challenge_data[fqdn]['dns-01'].record is defined
      register: record

    - name: Extract and store the record ID from the creation response
        txt_record_id: "{{ }}"
      when: record is defined and record.json.success

    - name: Wait for TXT entry to appear
          - name: "{{ com_challenge.challenge_data[fqdn]['dns-01'].record }}"
            values: "{{ com_challenge.challenge_data[fqdn]['dns-01'].resource_value }}"
            mode: equals
        always_ask_default_resolver: false
        timeout: 120

    - name: Let the challenge be validated and retrieve the cert and intermediate certificate
        validate_certs: false
        account_key_src: "{{ le_private_key }}"
        account_email: "{{ email }}"
        src: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.csr"
        cert: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}.crt"
        fullchain: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}-fullchain.crt"
        chain: "{{ files_loc }}/{{ fqdn }}/{{ fqdn }}-intermediate.crt"
        challenge: dns-01
        remaining_days: 60
        data: "{{ com_challenge }}"
        acme_version: 2
      when: com_challenge is changed
      register: lsresult
      until: "lsresult is not failed"
      retries: 12
      delay: 10

    - name: Remove TXT record from Cloudflare after domain is verified
        url: "{{ zone_id }}/dns_records/{{ txt_record_id }}"
        method: DELETE
          X-Auth-Email: "{{ email }}"
          Authorization: "Bearer {{ API_key }}"
          Content-Type: "application/json"
        status_code: 200
      when: txt_record_id is defined and txt_record_id | length > 0

3. Running the Playbook

Execute the playbook to request a new Let’s Encrypt certificate.

ansible-playbook request_cert.yml --ask-vault-pass

You’ll be prompted to enter the vault password and the FQDN. Ansible will use the encrypted API key and DNS Zone ID to create the necessary DNS records and request the certificate.

4. Verification

Check the specified directory (~/cert-store/<fqdn>) to verify that the certificate and key files have been created.


Each task in this playbook is part of a sequence that ensures:

  1. Directory and key creation.
  2. Account registration and CSR generation.
  3. DNS-01 challenge setup and validation via Cloudflare.
  4. Certificate issuance.
  5. Cleanup of temporary DNS records.

I hope this breakdown helps you understand the specific purpose and function of each task, providing a step-by-step approach to requesting a Let’s Encrypt certificate using Ansible and managing DNS challenges via Cloudflare.


In this tutorial, you learned how to use Ansible Core to request a Let’s Encrypt certificate, securely storing sensitive information using Ansible Vault. This is a foundational step towards more advanced certificate lifecycle management and automation in subsequent tutorials.

Next Steps

  • Part 2: Managing Certificates with AWX/Ansible Automation Platform with GitOps
  • Part 3: Scheduling Auto-Renewal workflows and automating the deployment of certificates to Firewalls and F5’s
  • Part 4: ServiceNow Integration
  • BONUS : Using Thousandeyes with Event Driven Ansible to renew Certs before they Expire.

Stay tuned for the next part of the series, where we will be cover Managing Certificates with AWX/Ansible Automation Platform.